Metal Roofing and Trim Handling Guide

CAUTION!!! Metal panels have sharp edges and should be handled with care. Wear gloves when handling. Safety glasses should be used when cutting or drilling. Do not walk on panels unless you have solid decking adequate to handle weight. Fall protection equipment may be mandated and should be in accordance with OSHA Standards.

STORAGE!!! Job site storage can harm the finish on the panels if not stored properly. Tri-State Metal Roofing Supply recommends all panels be stored inside if possible. When storing inside, the bundle should be placed on wooden blocks to eliminate the transference of cold or heat on concrete or other surfaces. The bands should be broken to allow the material to expand. All material must be dry. Failure to comply with the above conditions may void the warranty.

IF INSIDE STORAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE. Careful attention must be paid to eliminate damage to the finish of the panel. All material should be placed off the ground on wooden blocks. One end of the material should be elevated so that moisture may escape. Bands on the material should be cut to allow the material to expand and breathe. Material should be kept dry. Plastic should never be used to cover the roofing panels. Canvas is acceptable as it does not trap moisture.

MATERIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. Tri-State Metal Roofing Supply has installation instructions for all our metal roofing panels. Please visit our website to see our installation instructions.

BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. Codes can vary from county to county and should be checked prior to ordering or installing material that Tri-State Metal Roofing Supply has provided. We encourage you to deal with a general contractor or roofing contractor when building to make sure the application is in compliance with all local codes.


Ogden, Utah

Payson, Utah

St. George, Utah